GMOS Perfect Spiral

Activities and Projects

Here are some great activities you can carry out on your own, or with schools, families and community groups – and even to support dark sky tourism. They range from simple half hour activities, to projects that might run over several weeks including how to develop your area’s Dark Sky potential.

If you are looking for training or working with schools, take a look at our training and resources page. We also provide training in all these activities.




Activity Description Duration Download/Link
Star Umbrella This is a fun activity and a great starter for younger children and the young-at-heart. Make your own mini planetarium!

Around 20-30 minutes Star Umbrella Activity Sheet [PDF/704 KB]

Stargazing Activities Ideas for running stargazing activities with schools or groups. Varies depending on activity. Things Are Looking Up Booklet [PDF/3.15 MB]

Also see The Night Sky

Dark Sky Surveys These are starcount projects and light pollution surveys to help you measure how dark your sky is. Around 15 minutes per survey (to allow your eyes to get used to the dark).

How to carry out light pollution surveys and starcounts.


Constellation Project This is a school or community project. It has been run across Northern Scotland as the Highland Constellation Project, and also on the Isle of Luing. Several days or weeks.

Highland Constellation Project
Isle of Luing[PDF/ 259KB]

Dark Sky Discovery Sites Celebrate your best local stargazing spot by nominating it as a Dark Sky Discovery Site. Several weeks then ongoing. Criteria[PDF/61KB] for Dark Sky Discovery Sites
Developing Dark Sky Potential For wider approaches to protecting and developing your area’s dark skies, take a look at our guidance on Developing Dark Sky potential. Ongoing. Developing Dark Sky Potential