GMOS Perfect Spiral

Night Sky

Get to grips with the main seasonal constellations with our starcharts and videos.

Seasonal starchart - autumnSeasonal starchart - winterSeasonal starchart - springSeasonal starchart - summer

Video of the constellations visible in AutumnVideo of the constellations visible in WinterVideo of the constellations visible in SpringVideo of the constellations visible in Summer

As well as the stars on these charts, there’s a great chance you will see many other spectacles of the night sky - the Moon, planets, space satellites and shooting stars (or meteors). For more about these, go to The Night Sky – in detail.

Pocket Starcharts

Image showing how the pocket starcharts can be folded.

The starchart downloads above are designed ready for you to print-off easily! Schools and groups can also get copies of our very popular folded pocket starcharts (see left).



Top Tips for getting the most out of Stargazing

It is easy to do stargazing - just go outside on a clear night and look up, wheverer you are there will be something to see. However there are a few things you can do to make the experience as breathtaking and memorable as possible. We have put together a collection of top tips to get the best out of your stargazing session

A Deeper Look...

So, you have started to find you way around the night sky. What next? The night sky takes you into some of the big questions being explored today by research astronomers using powerful big telescopes.

Searching for life on exoplanets - Vega

Starchart of the southern sky showing Vega and the Summer TriangleArtist's impression of planets orbiting in the disk of dust surrounding VegaIs there life elsewhere in the universe? Can we find it? One place to search is planets around nearby stars that are Earth-like and which therefore might be home to life as we know it. Find out more...




Galaxies – the starry sky and Andromeda

Starchart of the southern sky showing the Summer Triangle, Pegasus and the position of the Andromeda GalaxyHubble image of a spiral galaxy,  M101. Image:NASA+ESAWhen you look up at a starry night, the stars look fairly evenly spread across the sky. But if you could look deeper into space, you would see that stars are in fact gathered in great groups, called galaxies, containing thousands of millions of stars.Find out more...



The life cycle of stars - Orion

Starchart of the southern sky showing Orion, the Pleiades and PegasusThe Orion Nebula image:NASAThe winter's most recognisable constellations gives us a chance to observe stars in all the different stages of their life-cycles. Find out more...